Welcome to the Wellman Farm information page.
Here you will find information about our farm.

Here is what is currently on the farm:
- Rhode Island Red Laying Hens
- Cayuga Ducks
- Nigerian Dwarf Goats
- Italian Honeybees
- Dexter Cattle
- Brassica Food Plot for Wildlife
- Grass
Here is what we have raised in the past:
- Red Wattle Hogs
- Milking Shorthorn Cow
- Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys
- American Pekin Ducks
- Cornish Cross Meat Chickens
- Several Generations of Laying Hens (New Hampshire Red, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Buff Orphington, Barred Rock, Easter Egger, Welsummer, Australorp, etc.)
- Vegetables and Fruits including Chesnok Red Garlic, Giant Pumpkins, Blackberries, Potatoes, Beans, Squash, Corn, Turnips, Peppers, Cucumbers, etc.)
Here are some near term plans:
- Raise another batch of feeder pigs
- Establish a dedicated paddock for annual forages to improve nutrition and reduce hay dependence for ruminants
Here are services we offer:
Here are some goals and philosophies
- Our goal is to have a place that provides nourishment for our family in mind, body, and soul. It is our belief that the agrarian life is the one most conducive to human flourishing, even since God put man in a garden to tend and till it.
- We aim to minimize the use of what today are called conventional farming practices that rely on potentially harmful chemicals.
- We are students of intensive rotational grazing and are excited by the promise this has for soil improvement.
- We strive for low inputs.
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This page created and maintained by Jon Wellman
Copyright ©2000-2003 J. C. T. Wellman. All rights reserved.